Is your agency licensed?

Yes! Hand in Hand has licensed offices in Colorado, Indiana, Florida and Utah. We are proudly Hague-accredited through the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), a 501 (c)(3) organization created for the sole purpose of accreditation, approval, monitoring and oversight of international adoption agencies.

Is there any restriction on the age of parents who wish to adopt?

The minimum age required by United States Citizenship and Immigration Service is 25. Most countries impose age limits, so please see individual country information. Hand in Hand follows the country requirements and imposes no minimum or maximum, beyond what is imposed by the foreign country.

Are there any religious qualifications or restrictions?

Hand In Hand imposes no religious requirements on its families. However, some countries do have religious requirements. Please refer to the country specific guidelines.

Are there income requirements for the adoptive family?

It is important that income is sufficient to cover all expenses of the adoption process and of raising a child or sibling set. Immigration requires that your adjusted gross income be 125% of the United States government’s Poverty Line. Some countries, such as China, have specific requirements for income and/or net worth. Please check with your local Hand In Hand office for specifics.

How much does it cost?

Fees vary by country, so international adoptions can range from approximately $17,000 to $40,000 (including travel). Many adoption grants are available. Please contact us in order to obtain the specific fee agreement for your desired country.

Do you offer financial assistance?

Hand in Hand has assistance available on a case-by-case basis. We use a staggered billing system: fees are due as events happen in the adoption process. Our fee agreements are specific about when fees are due. Because Hand in Hand adoption fees are due at various stages of the adoption process, families have a number of months to gather financial resources. We are happy to connect you with our internal finance advisor as well!

What information on the child can we expect?

It will vary with the country. Most foreign governments give a very detailed case history, pictures and videos. Others provide little beyond a current examination record and photo.

What medical testing is done on the child?

It will depend on the country. You will receive physical exam information for your child and his/her detailed medical history if available. Most countries test for HIV and Hepatitis A and B.

Do I have any say in the child match process?

The final decision rests in your hands. The agency and country attempt to use the information you provide as to the type of child you are open to adopting. At Hand in Hand, children are our focus. We attempt to locate the best possible family for each available child. A referral will be presented to you for review and acceptance.

Are the adoptions finalized in the child’s country of origin or in the United States?

Generally, this is done in the foreign countries. However, some countries, such as the Philippines, require that you finalize the adoption in the U.S. courts or validate the foreign adoption once you arrive home. Hand in Hand will assist you in this process.


Contact Us

We are so excited to help you build your family through international adoption. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.
